Yesterday, I had to travel to London for a course with the fabulous Chris Barrow.
I was nervous about the trip, as this time I was heading to the course alone and not with our Practice Manager Cara. Although I worked in London for a while before I had my children, it has been 7 years and a solo trip now feels like a big step!
So yesterday I woke to find the train I had planned to travel on was cancelled, not surprising after the excessive heat of the previous days. Thankfully after a little search on the website, I found another suitable option. As I drove along the country lanes on my journey to the train station, I came to a stop to find a lorry completely blocking the road and to be told the driver was busy clearing a cess pit and wouldn’t be moving any time soon! At this point, I realised I would be unlikely to get to the train station in time and I would therefore need to find yet another train which would mean arriving at the course very late. A little voice in my head was screaming to just turn around, give up on the idea of London and drive into work and the comfort of the practice, to be surrounded by the reassuring and familiar faces of my colleagues and my usual routine. But I didn’t, I took a deep breath, I composed myself and I managed to re-route and navigate through some even narrower country lanes to get to the station and onto my intended train with 2 minutes to spare!
Last night I arrived home to my family playing happily in the garden, feeling truly inspired after listening Chris Barrow and his team and meeting support and clinical staff from other dental practices who attended the event. I am buzzing with ideas to help and support our fantastic team and wonderful patients at Christchurch Dental.
Moral of the story…. Take a deep breath and do it!
Does having the dental treatment (the crown, the implant, Invisalign or extraction etc) Dr Derek or Dr Ash has recommended make you feel nervous and want to run away? I know if you take that deep breath and book that appointment, once the treatment is complete you will feel as proud of yourself as I did last night. Not only that, but you will have a beautiful new smile!
When was the last time you just took a deep breath and jumped in?